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Introducing: The New Paediatric Advanced Life Support Manikin




We’re excited to announce the launch of Atlas Junior a pioneering pediatric ALS simulator. Designed to resemble a 5-year-old child, this manikin offers pediatric ALS medical training, filling a crucial gap in healthcare education. Atlas Junior is more than a tool; it’s a part of our commitment to the future of healthcare education.

Features that make Atlas Junior a perfect pediatric ALS training tool

Inspired by its award-winning adult version Atlas – the ALS Manikin, Atlas Junior is designed with features such as a realistic airway including the tongue, nasopharynx, oropharynx, uvula, epiglottis, vallecula, vocal cords, esophagus, trachea, thyroid cartilages, and lung. Apart from these, making Atlas Junior an asset are its key features such as:
Intubatable head and airway management: Atlas Junior’s intubatable head offers realistic training in airway management, including oral and nasal intubation, using basic and advanced airways adjuncts (i.e., iGel, LMA, NPA, LT, ETT).
CPR-capable chest: Atlas Junior’s CPR-capable chest, offering valuable hands-on experience in pediatric resuscitation techniques. When paired with REALITi 360, Atlas Junior delivers real-time quality feedback, detects hand positioning, and measures chest compression depth in real-time.
Circulatory Skills: Completing the spectrum of ALS training, Atlas Junior includes IV, IO and IM site enabling learners to practice intravenous, intraosseous, and intramuscular procedures.
Atlas Junior’s user-friendly design – a standout feature!


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